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Definition of Metrics used in the Digivizer App

Sanjita avatar
Written by Sanjita
Updated over 2 years ago

Not sure about what particular terms mean? We've built a glossary for you to look up definitions of terms you might see in the app.


Your Brandspace is essentially your centralized view of all the digital accounts that influence discussions of your brand. Users generally choose a brand name and connect all the social, search, paid, and web accounts for that space to make it easy to understand and assess overall brand performance.


Impressions measure the amount of times a post is seen by the audience. It is the volume of unique audience members that see a post (reach) multiplied by the average number of times the audience sees a post (frequency).


Engagements measure the interaction between someone posting content and someone following that social media account. It comprises Likes, Reactions, Shares, Comments and Clicks. Video views are reported separately and are not included in engagements.

Engagement Rate

Engagement Rate measures the proportion of the audience who sees a post and interacts with it against those who see the post and do not. It is calculated as Engagements divided by Impressions.


The volume of unique users on social platforms who have subscribed to your channel. These are the users who see organic posts (non-sponsored posts).

Clicks and Click-throughs

Clicks measure the actions of users Engaging with a post that links to other destinations or expansions of the post. Often specific urls are set-up as part of a social post that users click through to.

Click-through Rate (CTR)

Click-through rate measures the proportion of the audience who sees a post and interacts with it against those who see a post and do not. It is calculated as Clicks and Click-throughs divided by impressions.


Conversions measure the volume of the audience that conduct a certain action after interacting with social media posts. It often refers to converting the audience to provide additional information or purchase a product.

Conversion Rate

Conversion Rate measures the proportion of the audience who Clicks on a social post and becomes a Conversion. It is calculated as Conversions divided by Clicks.

Cost per Impressions (CPM)

Cost per Impression measures the efficiency of paid posts reaching the target audience. It is calculated as the total spend required to drive 1,000 impressions.

Cost per Click (CPC)

Cost per Click measures the efficiency of paid posts driving Clicks. It is calculated as the total spend required to drive 1 Click.

Cost per Engagement (CPE)

Cost per engagement shows how much per individual engagement cost.


How many actions were taken that match the objective set.ย 

Results Rate

The percentage of results you received out of all of the views of your adverts. This is calculated by the number of results divided by impressions.

Cost Per Result (CPR)

This shows how much it cost to gain a result for this campaign - this is calculated by cost divided by results.

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